Why Choose
The Clay Firm?
Our legislative, policy and political skills are honed from decades of government, political and legal experience. We understand the process and effectively navigate both houses of the Mississippi Legislature, state agencies and other government entities. We know how to get things accomplished.
A highly respected policy strategist and lobbyist, Beth Clay is backed by a team of strategic, detail-oriented analysts who draw upon direct experience in state, federal, public and private sectors to advance client objectives. The Clay Firm team has been successful in helping to pass, defeat or amend countless pieces of legislation.
Our clients have a clear advantage, as The Clay Firm’s rock-solid relationships, experience and expertise give us a place at the table during all stages of the legislative process. The Clay Firm’s credibility and all-access positioning are especially beneficial when policy initiatives are first being considered. We’re there at the beginning to provide context and to help shape the dialogue on issues impacting a variety of interests in diverse categories.
From statewide elected officials, to legislators, to appointed commissioners, to agency heads and their staffs, we have the advantage of unequalled accessibility, serving as client advocates throughout the process.
30 Years Experience
Located in the heart of the Capitol complex and recognized by Mississippi policy-makers for superior government relations and advocacy, The Clay Firm provides top-tier lobbying and public affairs services.